Notice: The York Region Amateur Radio Club repeater system is open for use by all amateurs. Use of the repeater system in contravention of the Canada Radiocommunication Act or is forbidden. Use the repeater system in violation of any applicable law is forbidden. The York Region Amateur Radio Club Inc. will report any material violations of regulations or laws to the appropriate authorities, including but not limited to the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, or to law enforcement. In addition, anyone found to be using the repeaters in any way that repeatedly causes discomfort or offence to other users may be suspended or permanently banned from club repeaters.

Call SignTransmit FrequencyReceive FrequencyMode/CTCSSLocationComments
VE3YRA145.350 MHz144.750 MHzAnalog / 103.5 HzBallantraeEmergency Power
VE3YRA444.5125 MHz449.5125 MHzDMRAuroraNo Internet
VE3YRC444.225 MHz449.225 MHzAnalog / 103.5 HzRichmond HillLinked to VE3YRA Analog
VE3YRC 147.225 MHz147.825 MHzFusion / Analog / 103.5AuroraLinked to VE3PIC via VE3YRC-ROOM.
VE3YRC53.490 MHz52.490 MHzAnalog / No CTCSSRichmond HillOut of service
VE3YRK147.180 MHz147.780 MHzD-STARRichmond HillNo Internet